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Pre-employment screening for SMEs

Businesses of any size rely on established, trusted relationships with their customers. Harm from even a single employee can have a significantly disproportionate impact on a small or medium-sized business.

Customer theft, defrauding, or errors made because an employee lacks their stated qualifications can risk your entire operation. 

Pre-employment screening solutions are both effective and affordable for a range of business types and workforce sizes. 

Security Watchdog offers:

  • A pre-packaged, risk-based suites of checks, available on a pick-and-choose basis, including BPSS vetting where you might be working with government
  • A pay-as-you-go service with no contractual or volume obligations required
  • ISO 27001 & Cyber Essentials accredited screening which is fully compliant with data protection regulations 

Request information about our Pre-employment screening for SME staff

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