What happens if you fail your screening?
Most individuals being background checked are successfully cleared on the basis that there are no anomalies identified in their screening results. However, for those where this is not the case - leading to the client withdrawing an offer of employment or engagement - this is a client driven decision and sits outside the control of Security Watchdog.
Our role is as a data processor for our clients, who may either wish to employ you or contract with you. It is a client decision, and NOT the decision of Security Watchdog (a common misconception) which may lead to your offer being withdrawn. The way in which your employer assesses the results of your screening depends on their specific risk-based criteria - often governed by employment or industry legislation.
This criteria varies between companies and industries. They make the rules – we simply let them know if you have broken them. Ultimately, your potential employer is responsible for making the decision as to whether you are hired, and if you have recently failed your screening through Security Watchdog and want to learn more, it is important that you contact them directly.

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